Free Workshops January 2022 - register here!

Hey there my friend - if you're looking for where you sign up for the free workshops I'm offering in January 2022, follow these instructions:

1. Click here to join my Healthy & Happy Community (it's not Facebook, it's a community built on a platform called Circle).

2. You'll be prompted to create a simple profile (it should be intuitive once you join, but if for any reason you have questions, reach out to me at [email protected]).

3. Now that you're a member of Healthy & Happy, look to the Welcome tab on the left navigation pane and you'll see "Events" - click on that, then RSVP for each of the workshops you want to attend (you need to RSVP to each one separately, but it's easy, just a quick click on each one).

I'll send you reminders as the date nears, but be sure to add the workshops to your calendar immediately once you RSVP so you don't forget or schedule something in its place.

I'm super excited to have you be a member in my Healthy & Happy Community and 2022 is going to be an amazing year filled with amazing connection, content and serving you greatly!  I appreciate you and look forward to our upcoming convo's.

Hugs and love to you,



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